Saturday, April 9th, 2011
Here we are on Day 9! Phew! We've come a lo-o-o-ong way and now we're finally putting together all of the concepts we've discussed this semester. We're analyzing our data as we speak, taking a look at our results from our online surveys and drawing conclusions. Some of us are finding that our research results match our hypotheses while some of our hypotheses have been proven wrong, but we are all learning! It's quite tiring doing all of this thinking on a Saturday so we're going to need a refreshing lunch break soon-we're going to have pizza, salad and pop-it should do the trick in helping us finish out the afternoon putting together our Power Point presentations of our results and findings. These are the presentations that we will wrap up today, and in the morning of next week's Graduation day, that we will showcase to our friends and family. We're so excited to examine and contemplate our findings and share them with everyone next week!
The information about next weekend's final day of GO-GIRL, our Graduation Ceremony, is below:
Gaining Options – Girls Investigate Real Life™
Project Presentation and Graduation
Winter 2011
Date: April 16th, 2011
Location: Wayne State University
Schedule of Events
9:00 – 9:20 Girls arrive, prepare for final presentations
9:30 – 11:00 Parent CafĂ©- Room 10 College of Education
11:00 – 11:30 Presentation of Final Projects
1st Floor College of Education Building
11:45 - 1:30 GO-GIRL Luncheon and Graduation
2nd Floor Ballroom Student Center Building
PLEASE NOTE: Due to limited seating, there is a 2-guest limit for each GO-GIRL
Questions? Please call the GO-GIRL Hot Line at 313-577-0917 or Email us at:
We look forward to seeing you there! :)