Dr. Esther Pearson
Director, Internet Applications Support Services
GTE Internetworking
Fields: Software Engineering
Specialty: Networking
Nominated by: Tiffani Pearson
Excerpt from nomination: Esther Pearson has assisted thousands of youth, specifically African-American and Latina youths, to participate in math, science and technology programs and careers. Dr. Pearson founded Science, Technology and Engineering Pre-College Studies (STEPS) Program; and developed/copyrighted the STEPS Model of Educational Objectives.
Dr. Pearson has worked in New England for 15 years setting up and administrating science and technology programs. This work has significantly impacted the systematic acceptance from pre-college science and technology programs at numerous universities in New England.
Dr. Pearson established and directed a program with the American Electronic Association, an organization of 250 CEOs in New England that manage scientific-based corporations, to incorporate pre-college math, science and technology Saturday programs, and mentoring programs throughout New England. This program resulted in thousands of New England students receiving exposure to scientific and technical careers.
She has been working in the field of engineering for 22 years. During this time she has held positions of senior software engineer through engineering director. During this time, she has completed a bachelor's in applied science in electrical engineering from Youngstown State University; a master's in engineering management from Western New England College and a doctorate in mathematics and science education from the University of Massachusetts. With this experience, Dr. Pearson has mentored numerous women and developed math, science and technology enrichment programs for youths in grades 3 - 12. These programs have been for the gifted, as well as incarcerated teenage girls. All of this is done on a volunteer basis and on her personal time.
Dr. Pearson has dedicated her entire adult life to motivating girls, women and minorities to take science/technology classes, and seek careers in the scientific areas. She works tirelessly in this effort on a volunteer basis.
To view more, please visit: http://www.witi.com/center/witimuseum/womeninsciencet/1998/062398.shtml