Go-Girls –Saturday, February 4th, 2012
As the girls arrived to the College of Education on the campus of Wayne State many activities were coming their way. To get to know each other they broke up into their assigned groups and began to discuss what they like. To find this information out they compared characteristics such as what they wear, hair color, eye color, hobbies, favorite foods, color, subjects, and more. The girls then went over Classroom Rules so that all activities can go as accordingly.
Using the Venn-Diagram method and Bar Graphs they analyzed data dealing with texting, cellular devices, favorite food, favorite music genre, sports, whether or not they would be watching the Super Bowl and more. After the analyzing data was complete the girls stayed in the groups they were in the beginning and came up with group names and a group cheer they would perform at the graduation ceremony.
As lunch approached the girls headed towards the Student Center to eat Subway in a large group. After lunch the girls completed an online survey about how their experiences so far at Wayne State is going.
“I think this program is a great program for girls. Especially since it is on Saturdays and most girls don’t have anything to do. You can definitely learn something,” said Group 3 member Kaila Searcy.